Jacquard curtains measured 250cm.

25 m
€8.50 per m
Tax included

Dieninės užuolaidos - tai lengvumas ir jaukumas. Dieninių užuolaidų audiniai - tai puiki galimybė pačiam susimodeliuoti ir pasisiūti  užuolaidas svetainei, miegamajam ar kitam kambariui. Paverskime savo namus nuostabia jaukumo oaze, į kurią norisi sugrįžti ir kurioje gera būti.

Ordering not whole number of meters is allowed.

The measurements of the back curtains shall be 250 cm.

The height of the nest is 250 cm. Measured at 250 cm below the carcass.

The composition is 100% polyester.

The color is white.

Suitable for the site, bedroom and other rooms.

The price is indicated for a fabric 1 m wide and 250 cm high.

Polyester back curtains are strong, resistant to direct sunlight and weather resistant. It dries quickly, does not glitter, and falls well.

How do I know how many feet of fabric I need?

First, measure the length of the body. You normally need about 1.5 times the length of your carcass. Then the curtain will not be stretched, but will swing and fall. For example, if the length of the body is 3 m, then the curtain needs to be 4.5 m long to make the curtain fit and not tense. Calculation: length of body x 1,5. For example. 3m times 1.5 is equal to 4.50m.

 Please! We cut as much as we need. If you put 1.30 in a bag, you get 1.30 meters of fabric and t.t. 

The inscription of the inscription is as shown in the first photograph. The second picture is provided only as an example to clarify the fabric structure.

25 m

Data sheet

Fabric motif
Žakardinis audinys
Fabric type
Dieninė užuolaida
Height (cm)

Specific References
