Muslinas – tai lengvas, orui laidus medvilninis audinys, kuris pasižymi švelnumu ir natūraliu kritimu. Jis yra itin...
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+370 616 91682Handicraft Store is an online store where fabrics, sewing, knitting, crocheting, felting supplies, and other handicraft tools are always available in one place. We started our business in 2015 by opening the store "Auksarankė," located in Vilkaviškis. We are happy not only to have new customers but also to have a steady base of regular clients. We strive to have everything you need for sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, etc. With us, you will receive a free consultation from a seamstress, which is provided based on 30 years of sewing experience. The main principles of our business: high product quality, attractive prices, quick response to customer requests, and professional service. Our vision is to become the largest store for fabrics, sewing supplies, and other handicraft materials.
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